Directions to Fairfield, PA

Street Address of the Information Booth 108 West Main Street, Fairfield, PA  17320.

From Baltimore:

  1. I-70 West to Frederick

  2. Take US 15 North toward Emmistburg

  3. Turn left onto S.Seton Avenue.

  4. Turn left onto MD 140, continue on MD 140 into Pennsylvania

  5. MD 140 turns into PA 16

  6. Turn right onto PA 116 (Fairfield Road)

  7. Approximately 65 miles

From Washington:

  1. I-270 North to Frederick MD

  2. Follow directions above.

  3. Approximately 70 miles.

  4. From Harrisburg:

  5. US 15 South to Gettysburg Exit US Route 30.

  6. Take US 30 into Gettysburg Roundabout.

  7. Take the 3rd exit on Baltimore St./US-15 Bus S/

  8. Take the 3rd right onto W Middle Street / PA116

  9. Continue approximately 8 miles west into Fairfield.

  10. Approximately 45 miles.

From York:

  1. Follow US Route 30 into Gettysburg.

  2. Follow directions above.

  3. Approximately 40 miles.


Additional Parking Information

Visitors can also park at the Fairfield High School (4840 Fairfield Rd) for a small donation per vehicle.  The donation helps youth organizations at the school.  The High School is located 4 tenths of a mile west of Fairfield's Village Hall where Pippinfest Information Booth is Located.